Massa babbel
Har suttit och kollat på min brorsas fotbollscup hela helgen ungefär. Det har varit ganska roligt faktiskt, fast jag har mest varit superduper trött så det har väl varit en lagom uppgift att sitta där i solen.
Igår var vi bortbjudna, det var jättetrevligt, god mat osv. Sen spelade jag fotboll med Anna tills jag höll på att somna ståendes och då gick vi in. Sen bädda hon ner mig i hennes säng och läste sagor för mig (bör tilläggas att hon är 8 år) hur gulligt??? Kan säga att det var nära att jag somnade där faktiskt ;)
Idag var jag först och kollade på en match, där Fredriks lag vann! Och Fredrik gjorde faktiskt ett mål även fast han stod i mål hahah och då inget självmål...
Sen åkte jag ut till stallet, skrittade bort och mötte upp Anna. Vi skrittade en liten bit innan vi vände, det var mysigt men det var så jävla mycket myggor. Och jag hade endå sprayat på flugspray innan jag red iväg... Tyckte riktigt synd om hästarna faktiskt!
Gullig bild Tomas tog idag innan vi red iväg.

Sen när jag kom tillbaka till stallet pussade jag lite extra på Dinnie eftersom jag åker bort en vecka nu. Kommer sakna henne, men hon ska bara få gå och tjocka sig i hagen den här veckan så då är vi nog båda taggade på att komma igång sen igen ;)

film från terrängen
Hon blev trött på slutet, men jag tycker det gick jättebra! :)
Jenny och Dinnie

Ny favoritbild ♥
Foto: Amanda Svedberg

Kolla vad vi gjorde idag! :D

Idag var Dinnie galet duktig! Min låtsaskusin som är här och hälsar på den här veckan fick testa rida och det gick hur bra som helst. Dinnie var superlugn och de båda verkade nöjda och glada. Sen satt jag upp och Dinnie var helt underbar att rida på!!! Jättelugn och superduperfin!

Foto: Jenny
You're perfect. Perfect to me.
And she's finally here!

fina, underbara

Hon växer bara mer och mer i mina ögon just nu. Jag längtar till att få åka till stallet varje dag nu för tiden och det är så kul att rida! ♥
Sara & Ronda
Fotade Sara efter Pay and Jumpen igår när hon red och sen tog vi massor av bilder i solnedgången! Blev många mysiga bilder och Ronda såg superfin ut när Sara red!

Ett oredigerat smakprov!
Pay and Jump, UPK 20/6
Åkte iväg på en Pay and Jump på UPK idag och hoppade 70 och 80 cm. Gick superbra och jag är jättenöjd!
I 70-klassen fick vi 1 stopp på 3e hindret. Hon kändes lite osäker när vi väl kom fram till hindrena och backade av endel. Men är supernöjd över att hon över att hon hoppade!
I 80-klassen så kändes hon mycket bättre, vi fick två stopp, ett på andra hindret och ett på tredje, men efter det rullade det på super och hon hoppade super! Hinder 4 till 7 fick jag världens känsla och hon bjöd och backade inte av som hon gjorde först. Är jättenöjd verkligen!
Senast vi hoppade ute var ju på Bälinge och då kom vi ju inte ens över första hindret så det var ju stor skillnad!
Drog med mig Sara och hon fotade snäll som hon är!

Sååå söööt på sista haha ♥♥
Igår gick det så himlahimla bra att rida! I förrgår när jag försökte rida dressyr gick det inte alls bra, hon var stark, springig och superpigg. Igår var hon också väldigt pigg, men inte alls på samma sätt. I början var vi båda lite "fladdriga", men efter ett tag så blev hon mjuk och superduperfin! Jag galopperade nästan ingenting förutom en kort liten bit utan skrittade och travade mest. Jag brukar tycka att det är svårt att trava, hon blir oftast springig och stark osv. Galoppen brukar vara mycket enklare att reglera. Men igår gav jag mig tusan på att det skulle bli bra och det blev det också! Sista biten vi travade var hon så sjukt jävla fin. Kunde reglera både formen och farten och jag red faktiskt bra då också.
Testade även ett nytt bett som jag fått låna av Elin och Kristin, kändes väldigt väldigt bra!

Foto: Sara
I eftermiddag åker vi och hoppar en Pay and jump på UPK. Hoppar 70 och 80 cm, ska bli väldans roligt! :D
Taggar sönder
Helt galet vad jag taggar till PIP nu! Jag ska dit, precis som förra året, med mina kusiner. Ska bli så sjukt kul, hela festivalstämningen är så härlig!
Det enda som är tråkigt är att Björnstammen inte spelar något i år... De twittrade ju för några veckor sen att dom håller på med ny musik, vilket är väldigt kul! Ska bli spännande!
Men det jag taggar till mest är att få se Timo Räisänen! Jag har lyssnat väldigt mycket på honom nu dom senaste veckorna och han är så sjukt bra. Sen verkar han vara en supertrevlig person också!
Justin Bieber "Help me to find the old Kidrauhl"
hi... i know in these days i'm not the happiest boy in the world but it's me, your Justin.
I'm a bit scared and worried to write to you now, with all the things that have happened in these months, but, anyway, I will. Since the Believe tour started its like if the world had collapsed on me. There have been so many events that bhrought me down. when i've got drug,girls, do you remember it well? My birthday, which was a disaster,do you remember it well? The death of Avalanna you remember well? When I was sick on stage,do you remember it well? Please, delete my mistakes and these bad memories. Just remember one thing: you are my life, and that is why I go along, just for you. I know I've changed, but I also know that I can't stay a sixteen year old boy forever. Life goes on.
What makes me feel bad, however, is that no one is aware of the efforts that I'm doing to make good music and to be finally respected. I'm tired, beliebers,i'm so tired.
Sometimes, when no one can hear me, I cry. I think of you, you have to endure every day because of me, and I wonder whether its worthwhile to make you feel bad for me. I know that you cry because of me sometimes. I know you're sad when you can't see me, stand beside me, hug me ... believe me, it's the same for me. I wish I had the time and opportunity to spend an afternoon with each of you, but I can't. And trust me when I tell you that it hurts.
You do a lot for me, every allow me to win prizes, to concerts, to get anywhere my music ... and I what I give you in return? I can't seem to do much for you. You say you listen to my music and you feel immediately better, but I don't believe you forever. Music can't always fix everything. Record my voice and let you all listen isn't enough. To you, to feel good, i know that you need to spend an afternoon with me on the couch, watching a movie embraced and talk about everything that makes you feel bad. But I can't give you this. I can't fulfill this wish that you carry in your heart. I love you, beliebers, and it kills me to know that you are sick. You know you're bad for me, then ... The other night, to Billboard, I know that you haven't shown the vitality that distinguishes me. I smile every day for you, because I know that you want to see me happy, but inside, believe me, I'm dying. I made so many mistakes in this period, perhaps too many, and I'm afraid of getting lost ... sorry for everything, sorry if I'm not perfect, I should be for you because you deserve it. I do not know what's happening to me, I just know that its like if the whole world hates Justin Bieber. Maybe I really need to take a break, stop working and devote myself for a while 'only to you. I'd like to go around the world to come into your home and make you many surprises, make you happy at last for real ... My tears, my life, are your tears. I know you are pained to see how I'm at this moment, but life is so hard. I don't have time for me, for you, i can't connect on twitter to respond much more ... we are moving away, my beliebers. It breaks my heart to say it, but its like this. Its not your fault. It 's all my fault. When I think I do the right thing instead I always inexcusable mistakes. I'm choosing the wrong company, wrong actions, perhaps even the ideals wrong ... I've always tried to convey something, but now I don't feel an example for you anymore. I've always told to smile in any situation, and instead lately are the first one who gets depressed and cries himself.
I ask you to help me, beliebers. I do not know who I am anymore, I'm losing myself. I'm losing Kidrauhl. Since when Kidrauhl needs to take off his shirt to feel loved by his fans? Since when Kidrauhl goes around with pants that have a horse at the knees? Since when Kidrauhl smiles so little to meet & greet, when he meets his reasons for living? Since when Kidrauhl dodges fans, and walk among them with his head down? Since when Kidrauhl salt on a stage without his classic smile? Since when Kidrauhl feels wrong on stage?
My loves, I'm afraid. So I need you ... I'm afraid of losing myself and not finding the way back.i've changed, even if you claim not to. You are here, support me, and every day that challenged the world yells at you because I've changed. Before everyone saw an innocent kid who loved making music, but now what do the world see? One boy smoking, one arrogant pissed off that goes around bare-chested and is filled with tattoos ... and the worst is that I have made this image created by himself, without help from anyone.
You know that i'm not like this , right? You know that in reality in my face still lurks Kidrauhl's smile, right? You know that I have never forgotten our Common Denominator, right? You know that for me you are still the most indelible tattoos with which I covered myself, right? Please tell me that its like this ...
I love you, Beliebers, and I ask you not to leave me, now or ever. I need you, you have no idea how much I need to feel your closeness ... please, help me to find the Kidrauhl which you are in love. i'm so sorry
Yours forever,
I'm a bit scared and worried to write to you now, with all the things that have happened in these months, but, anyway, I will. Since the Believe tour started its like if the world had collapsed on me. There have been so many events that bhrought me down. when i've got drug,girls, do you remember it well? My birthday, which was a disaster,do you remember it well? The death of Avalanna you remember well? When I was sick on stage,do you remember it well? Please, delete my mistakes and these bad memories. Just remember one thing: you are my life, and that is why I go along, just for you. I know I've changed, but I also know that I can't stay a sixteen year old boy forever. Life goes on.
What makes me feel bad, however, is that no one is aware of the efforts that I'm doing to make good music and to be finally respected. I'm tired, beliebers,i'm so tired.
Sometimes, when no one can hear me, I cry. I think of you, you have to endure every day because of me, and I wonder whether its worthwhile to make you feel bad for me. I know that you cry because of me sometimes. I know you're sad when you can't see me, stand beside me, hug me ... believe me, it's the same for me. I wish I had the time and opportunity to spend an afternoon with each of you, but I can't. And trust me when I tell you that it hurts.
You do a lot for me, every allow me to win prizes, to concerts, to get anywhere my music ... and I what I give you in return? I can't seem to do much for you. You say you listen to my music and you feel immediately better, but I don't believe you forever. Music can't always fix everything. Record my voice and let you all listen isn't enough. To you, to feel good, i know that you need to spend an afternoon with me on the couch, watching a movie embraced and talk about everything that makes you feel bad. But I can't give you this. I can't fulfill this wish that you carry in your heart. I love you, beliebers, and it kills me to know that you are sick. You know you're bad for me, then ... The other night, to Billboard, I know that you haven't shown the vitality that distinguishes me. I smile every day for you, because I know that you want to see me happy, but inside, believe me, I'm dying. I made so many mistakes in this period, perhaps too many, and I'm afraid of getting lost ... sorry for everything, sorry if I'm not perfect, I should be for you because you deserve it. I do not know what's happening to me, I just know that its like if the whole world hates Justin Bieber. Maybe I really need to take a break, stop working and devote myself for a while 'only to you. I'd like to go around the world to come into your home and make you many surprises, make you happy at last for real ... My tears, my life, are your tears. I know you are pained to see how I'm at this moment, but life is so hard. I don't have time for me, for you, i can't connect on twitter to respond much more ... we are moving away, my beliebers. It breaks my heart to say it, but its like this. Its not your fault. It 's all my fault. When I think I do the right thing instead I always inexcusable mistakes. I'm choosing the wrong company, wrong actions, perhaps even the ideals wrong ... I've always tried to convey something, but now I don't feel an example for you anymore. I've always told to smile in any situation, and instead lately are the first one who gets depressed and cries himself.
I ask you to help me, beliebers. I do not know who I am anymore, I'm losing myself. I'm losing Kidrauhl. Since when Kidrauhl needs to take off his shirt to feel loved by his fans? Since when Kidrauhl goes around with pants that have a horse at the knees? Since when Kidrauhl smiles so little to meet & greet, when he meets his reasons for living? Since when Kidrauhl dodges fans, and walk among them with his head down? Since when Kidrauhl salt on a stage without his classic smile? Since when Kidrauhl feels wrong on stage?
My loves, I'm afraid. So I need you ... I'm afraid of losing myself and not finding the way back.i've changed, even if you claim not to. You are here, support me, and every day that challenged the world yells at you because I've changed. Before everyone saw an innocent kid who loved making music, but now what do the world see? One boy smoking, one arrogant pissed off that goes around bare-chested and is filled with tattoos ... and the worst is that I have made this image created by himself, without help from anyone.
You know that i'm not like this , right? You know that in reality in my face still lurks Kidrauhl's smile, right? You know that I have never forgotten our Common Denominator, right? You know that for me you are still the most indelible tattoos with which I covered myself, right? Please tell me that its like this ...
I love you, Beliebers, and I ask you not to leave me, now or ever. I need you, you have no idea how much I need to feel your closeness ... please, help me to find the Kidrauhl which you are in love. i'm so sorry
Yours forever,

Och jag vill bara känna hur det känns
tänka tillbaka, bara minnas vår sekvens
Våra stunder vi hade
tänka tillbaka, bara minnas vår sekvens
Våra stunder vi hade
Du är den som får mig att le

Var idag på min kusin Alices student, det var jättetrevligt och mysigt. Fotade massor (som vanligt) och fick faktiskt många fina bilder!
Lite coolt att ha en kusin som är Pilot ;)

gårdagens ridpass